Friday, 1 January 2016

Hello 2016

Happy New Year beauties!

I cannot believe it is 2016 already, I feel like time is flying by.  Hope you all had a fabulous New Year's Eve and all celebrated in style! I spent the evening with my best friend and our families, we went down to one of the wine bars in my local village and then back to my friends house for a takeaway. It was the perfect start to the new year! 

Today I thought I'd share with you my goals and resolutions for 2016....


For the last 2 months I have completely slacked off with my blog.  I went from posting 2-3 times a week to struggling to post once a month.  I don't really know what threw me off my game but I want to get back into blogging regularly. I've missed it so much as it is something I truly love and enjoy doing. So I've spent the Christmas period planning new posts and ideas of where I'd like my blog to go and I plan on getting back on the blogging band wagon. 

YouTube was something I tried my hand at in 2015 and I had completely underestimated the time/effort that is needed to film, edit and upload a video. But I actually loved filming myself applying makeup and creating different looks. So in 2016 I want to branch further into YouTube and create videos on a regular basis. I've decided to treat myself to a ring light (finally!) which will help with the quality of my videos/pictures massively!


Every year I make the resolution "this is the year I get skinny" and every year I fail lol. With my 'diet' plans this year I've decided not to set myself to unrealistic goal of 'getting a a body like Gigi Hadid in 1 month' instead I'm just going to continue to improve my choices which will lead to me leading a healthier lifestyle. Last year I signed up to the Body Coach's 90 day challenge and loved the plan, I've never found anything else that's worked so well for me. So I treated myself to the new Lean in 15 cookbook to give me lots of recipes and tips to help get my diet back on track. I also got the new Lauren Goodger fitness DVD to help me work out at home, I got to boxing/fitness style classes already but wanted to have something I could do at home for an extra workout. 


Anyone who knows me would probably know I can be a bit of a negative nancy and I can struggle with feeling positive.  Last year I finally read The Secret and I can honestly say it changed my life. I read just one chapter and after was chatting to my mum who commented on the difference in my outlook on things. The book puts everything into perspective and helps you to understand your feelings of negativity.  Even though I've read the book, I like to keep it on hand to re-read as and when I find I'm struggling with feeling positive. Currently I find when I am reading the book or have just read it, I am so positive and can put my thoughts into perspective but I struggle to keep this positivity up all the time. So this is what I want to work on in 2016, I want to learn how to keep positive thoughts and outlooks continuously so I can lead a happier life!

What's are your resolutions and goals for 2016? 

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XOXO Sophie